
Available Volumes For Purchase

Akira was initially created by Katsuhiro Otomo but published by Kodansha. As the series was adapted into an animated feature film, seven studios collaborated together with a budget of 8-11 billion yen. After making an astonishing 45 million dollars in the west, Manga Entertainment was created. The amazing part about the company is that it brings over anime and films to be a part of western culture. Some popular anime and films include Naruto, Bleach, Ninja Scroll, and Millennium Actress. Collectively there are six volumes comprised of 300-500 pages.

Setting the Stage -
Considered to be the finest work of graphic fiction, Akira is set in a dystopian Neo-Tokyo as the city recovers from a thermonuclear attack. The streets are filled gangs and factions while the rich run different experiments that get out of control. Tetsuo, a young man with psychic abilities and anger issues, is the only one capable of stopping Akira. However, his powers and obsession grows as he yearns to face Akira. His old friend on the other hand, seeks to take Tetsuo down before he awakes Akira or becomes too powerful.-

Akira can be confusing at times due to the amount of character sub plots. The film is a collection of complex concepts concepts that are fleshed out in the manga. Such as; the evolution of man, the meaning of life and how we are connected, and political uprising vs social uprising.

Tetsuo Shima


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