Junji Ito

     Junji Ito became one of the world's most prolific horror manga artist. Over the past 30 years, Ito has written over 38 manga titles, with the majority of them being horror. Although he considers himself a scardy-cat, Ito really enjoys ghost stories.In fact one of his stories were actually written about his cat; Cat Diary.

Ito became fascinated with horror in manga at an early age. During his childhood Ito would read the works of Kazuo Umezu and Shinichi Koga. Other works that highly inspired Ito were Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Exorcist. During the 70’s, occult films began to flourish which further peaked Ito’s interest for horror.

     To capture the art style, Ito used his studies to research the human anatomy. To get inspiration for the grotesque figures and imagery, he looked up photographs of human remains as well as studying the human decomposition cycle. In early 2018, a collection of Ito’s works were adapted into a mini anime series.


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