Abridged as a Genre

So recently I've been thinking about the style of how anime/manga is drawn. The traditional thin figure and big anime eyes. But what if we shifted manga into a cartoonist style? Similar to that of My lesbian experience with loneliness or Cigarette Girl. I find the drawing style to be comedic and a bit on the parody side. Which leads to our next point of parodies, or abridged, as a genre. In some aspects we see different cartoons and manga pulling out the easter eggs and gems we see from classic anime. For example the famous 100 push ups and kamehame ha. As we as the famous line from "Fist of the North Star"- omae wa mou shindeiru... NANIN!?! So I did a video pull of the best anime parodies in managa, anime, and cartoons. Enjoy!

Something About Smash Bros

Hellsing Abridged


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