She is a slow Walker by Junji Ito

She Is A Slow Walker cover

   If you are looking for a good Manga I would recommend reading She Is a Slow Walker. However, this manga is not for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach. She Is a Slow Walker is one of many Junji Ito's horror series. The manga starts off innocently enough until one of the main characters are bitten and slowly turns into...well a zombie. I will try not to spoil the story but the illustrations are impressive and the ending is quite unnerving. Here is a link to a video I found with the full reading.


  1. If you are going to use your posts to write some reviews of works you suggest we read or see, it would help if you were somewhat more detailed in your descriptions of the work and why you are recommending it to us. In other words, if you are going to write a review....write a review not just a "like" comment


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