I SAW IT follows the survivor, Keiji Nakazawa, as he recounts the details of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The manga is graphic and gives a detailed view of the aftermath as Nakazawa recounts the grueling moments he and his family had endured as the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. Nakazawa wanted to make this manga to show the rest of the world how devastating the bomb was and to bring awareness to the undisputed argument of atomic bombs.

     In a blinding light he is blown away. Unlike the unfortunate people around him he only suffered a nail in the cheek. Around him people are either on fire or melting away. Some people who weren't as luck were the ones one were caught in debris or rubble. The loss of his siblings were tough on Nakazawa as his sister was crushed underneath the house, his brother was trapped and burned alive as he cried out to their mother, and his younger sister died of malnourishment. And after all that his mother had been through, she succumbed to the radiation just as their lives were getting back on track.


  1. I believe this accurately depicts the story of I SAW IT and showcases the horror and drama that Nakazawa encountered when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. Good Job!

  2. I really think this is the best depiction from a Japanese perspective that manga has given, it really helps me understand the ultimate struggle and chaos it must have been as a child during these times.


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